The Future of Technology: 5 Engineering Trends You Should Keep an Eye on in 2024

Technology is one of the fastest-changing industries and staying ahead of the curve is essential for engineers, software developers, and industry leaders. Even if we’re in the second half of 2024, it’s crucial to explore the latest trends shaping the field of engineering this year. From sustainable solutions to cutting-edge innovations, we explore the engineering… Read more »

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Demystifying AI: A Crash Course for Entrepreneurs with Zachary Gleicher

In the whirlwind world of tech, artificial intelligence is a term that gets thrown around a lot. But for many entrepreneurs, it can feel like a mysterious black box. What exactly is AI, and how can it be used to build better products? In his insightful talk at How to Web Conference 2023, Zachary Gleicher,… Read more »

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Finding the Perfect Fit: Shape Up and the Tools That Empower Your Team

Picture your development team in the trenches. They’re working on a critical project, the pressure is on, and deadlines are looming.  A lot is going on, but there is one question that keeps coming up: Are we using the right tools? Traditional project management software often promotes a “one-size-fits-all” approach, promising to be the silver… Read more »

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