how to web on tour

How to Web on Tour

How to Web on Tour is a series of small, friendly gatherings, where we bring Eastern European founders and tech leaders together to discuss the latest in the industry and kick-off fruitful collaborations or friendships.
We can come in your town as well. Let us know where you want to meet up next, and check out our current gatherings below.

Propose a new city

Past Events

Berlin Gathering

Join us at the next gathering


Hey Berlin Builders, we’re coming to meet you!

On Jun 5th, the How to Web team is coming to Berlin to meet its builders and visionaries.

Join us for a recharging meet-and-greet, where you’ll get the chance to pick the brains of the most daring founders, technology leaders, and builders of tomorrow.

Apply to join!

*the gathering will be in the evening

Leipzig Gathering

Let's meet in Leipzig


This Wednesday, we’re organizing a How to Web on Tour Gathering, after MACHN Festival, in Leipzig, Germany. If you’re a builder or visionary in town, let’s meet up!

Apply to join


Evening Gathering


Hey Sibiu Builders, we’re coming to meet you 👋

Join us for a recharging meet-and-greet, discussing and connecting with an effervescent community of founders and tech leaders.

Thanks to our partners at Visma, Growceanu, and Autonom Group for joining our event 🚀

Apply to join!

Bruxelles Gathering

Let's meet in Bruxelles


Hey Bruxelles Builders, we’re coming to meet you!

On May 27th, the How to Web team is coming to Bruxelles to meet its builders and visionaries.

Join us for a recharging meet-and-greet, where you’ll get the chance to pick the brains of the most daring founders, technology leaders, and builders of tomorrow.

Apply to join!

*the gathering will be in the evening

Belgrade Gathering

let's meet in belgrade


Hey Belgrade Builders, we’re coming to meet you!

On May 234th, the How to Web team is coming to Belgrade to meet its builders and visionaries.

Join us for a recharging meet-and-greet, where you’ll get the chance to pick the brains of the most daring founders, technology leaders, and builders of tomorrow.

Apply to join!

*the gathering will be in the morning




Hey Amsterdam Builders, we’re coming to meet you!

On May 23rd, the How to Web team is coming to Amsterdam to meet its builders and visionaries.

Join us for a recharging meet-and-greet, where you’ll get the chance to pick the brains of the most daring founders, technology leaders, and builders of tomorrow.

Apply to join!

*the gathering will be in the evening

Warsaw Gathering

How to Web comes to Warsaw


Hey Warsaw Builders, what are you up to these days? We’re coming to meet you and discover the opportunities and collaborations that can be driven within the Eastern European region.

Apply to join and you’ll receive a calendar invite with the exact location, if you’re approved.

London Gathering

How to Web comes to London


Meet us in London during a close-knit gathering, where you can get in touch with the most eager builders and visionaries. Apply to join and you’ll receive a calendar invite with the exact location, if you’re approved.